Alcohol Ink Tools and Supplies
Hi everyone! I hope spring has you in a great mood like it does me! Whew, what a long winter! Good riddance! When we hit 70 I feel like I can do anything!
I impulsively said what the heck and decided to make a little video with my iPad on the tools I use in alcohol ink painting. It's very rudimentary but I started! That's half the battle, right?
There will be a learning curve...
I am going to do this though!
I have lots of ideas and thought well, maybe technique will be most helpful. That's really what I want to see but no one does it, they just paint. I like to have all my tools and options spread before me and then I like to go at it! So I am going to make videos like that. Short bites of technique.
Here is the first one. I hope this clears some things up and gives you ideas! I am sure I'll come up with more tools!
I impulsively said what the heck and decided to make a little video with my iPad on the tools I use in alcohol ink painting. It's very rudimentary but I started! That's half the battle, right?
There will be a learning curve...
I am going to do this though!
I have lots of ideas and thought well, maybe technique will be most helpful. That's really what I want to see but no one does it, they just paint. I like to have all my tools and options spread before me and then I like to go at it! So I am going to make videos like that. Short bites of technique.
Here is the first one. I hope this clears some things up and gives you ideas! I am sure I'll come up with more tools!