Whimsical Figure Painting Process


Best Friends mixed media Procreate painting 4 women with arms around each other

Best Friends

Procreate Painting


Party Hats

Party Hats

10 x 10' acrylic on paper


 Sketchbook Work

10 x 10 Mixed Media 

I have been allowing myself time to explore different styles, different ways of painting and mark making.And it's taking me down many paths. I have discovered what I like and what I do not like! And these three paintings are some of those things that I'm just not sure of. I do want to explore figurative painting and I asked myself, is this the route I want to take? Or do I want to take a different route? Do I enjoy making these? Do I love the process?

I am in the time of my life where I must enjoy my process. I enjoyed some of this. I enjoy the negative painting aspect. I enjoy the whimsy. I enjoy painting figures that illicit emotion. I enjoy the character, but I don't love making the background. I find it difficult And I find that I cannot be as intuitive as I love to be. Good marks have to be in the figures and I don't know where the figures are going to go when I start. I'd like to discover them near the end. 

So maybe I will find a way to like this process. I've committed to four more. Someone wise told me at least try a series of six before you make a decision. I will definitely learn something even if I find I do not like this process.

Until next time!



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